Artists With Self-titled Songs (AWSTS) #29

I dreamed of him last night, I saw his faceAll radiant and unshadowed of distress,And as of old, in music measureless,I heard his golden voice and marked him traceUnder the common thing the hidden grace,And conjure wonder out of emptiness,Till mean things put on beauty like a dressAnd all the world was an enchanted place.Continue reading “Artists With Self-titled Songs (AWSTS) #29”

Artists With Self-titled Songs (AWSTS) #28

When she rises in the morning    I linger to watch her;    She spreads the bath-cloth underneath the window    And the sunbeams catch her    Glistening white on the shoulders,    While down her sides the mellow    Golden shadow glows as    She stoops to the sponge, and her swung breasts    Sway like full-blown yellow  Gloire de Dijon roses.Continue reading “Artists With Self-titled Songs (AWSTS) #28”

Artists With Self-titled Songs (AWSTS) #27

Quiero que sepasuna cosa. Tú sabes cómo es esto:si mirola luna de cristal, la rama rojadel lento otoño en mi ventana,si tocojunto al fuegola impalpable cenizao el arrugado cuerpo de la leña,todo me lleva a ti,como si todo lo que existe,aromas, luz, metales,fueran pequeños barcos que naveganhacia las islas tuyas que me aguardan. Ahora bien,siContinue reading “Artists With Self-titled Songs (AWSTS) #27”

Artists With Self-titled Songs (AWSTS) #26

El agua horada la piedra,el viento dispersa el agua,la piedra detiene al viento.Agua, viento, piedra. El viento esculpe la piedra,la piedra es copa del agua,el agua escapa y es viento.Piedra, viento, agua. El viento en sus giros canta,el agua al andar murmura,la piedra inmóvil se calla.Viento, agua, piedra. Uno es otro y es ninguno:entre susContinue reading “Artists With Self-titled Songs (AWSTS) #26”

Artists With Self-titled Songs (AWSTS) #25

She asks me to kill the spider.Instead, I get the mostpeaceful weapons I can find. I take a cup and a napkin.I catch the spider, put it outsideand allow it to walk away. If I am ever caught in the wrong placeat the wrong time, just being aliveand not bothering anyone, I hope I amContinue reading “Artists With Self-titled Songs (AWSTS) #25”

Artists With Self-titled Songs (AWSTS) #24

A plague of nostalgia for a fictive past,Not merely dead, never born,is the most desperate form of escapism.Accident of birth, the pride of the insipid.Blood still runs, rose-tinted,Spilling on the red rockIn starvation and wasteIn fanfaresand marchesand broad arching melody.Wastelands ruled by ruined kings.Curses never lifted. Wastelands Ruled By Ruined Kings – Jute Gyte reading “Artists With Self-titled Songs (AWSTS) #24”

The Wonderful World of One Hit Wonders #107 Ennio Morricone

Ennio Morricone OMRI (10 November 1928 – 6 July 2020) was an Italian composer, orchestrator, conductor, trumpeter, and pianist who wrote music in a wide range of styles. With more than 400 scores for cinema and television, as well as more than 100 classical works, Morricone is widely considered one of the most prolific andContinue reading “The Wonderful World of One Hit Wonders #107 Ennio Morricone”

Artists With Self-titled Songs (AWSTS) #23

Not the same shape in changing lightBut different shapes in the same lightThat penetrates everything There is no being behind doingOnly fiction added to the deedThe cold ashes of a dead fire The locked prison of the momentA great door through which there is no passageAll roads disgorge to black decay In the highest circlemysteryContinue reading “Artists With Self-titled Songs (AWSTS) #23”

Artists With Self-titled Songs (AWSTS) #22

I, The Arch, never sleepsWho of us would not be glad to lift the veil?Built of nothing but solitary thought,a structure rises precipitously upward. Thersites born again as ape or eggThe golden mind of Gracchus turned to leadIn the shadow of a great ringThis ain’t a dream anymore, it’s the real thing. Horse dung inContinue reading “Artists With Self-titled Songs (AWSTS) #22”

The Wonderful World of One Hit Wonders #106 Tracey Chapman

I’m thinking of starting a band and naming it Tinnitus. The name is relatable and has a nice ring to it. Tracy Chapman is an American singer-songwriter who was born March 30, 1964 in Cleveland Ohio. Tracy entered music when she used to busk around Harvard when she was a student there in the mid-1980s,Continue reading “The Wonderful World of One Hit Wonders #106 Tracey Chapman”

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